Math and Science

 Heart Centered Multi-Age has been serving children in the Newfound Area for several years.  In the course of those years we have accumulated a weath of blog enteries that share the great news that is HCMA!  Starting this Thursday and for the remainder of the school year, we will share older enteries with you.  We hope you'll enjoy this trip down memory lane.

Orignially posted on Thursday, March 12, 2012

Working on shapes such as the hexagon, rhombus (diamond), triangle, and trapezoid.

Math equations to ten.

Each time of year has a special significance for teachers.  In the beginning of the year you are busy teaching routine and procedures and learning all about each of your new students.  However, in the spring, you begin to see the great growth that each child had made, and for me that is the most exciting time of year!  Look at these neatly written numbers.  I am so proud!  This child had just finished skip counting the 100's chain by 10 and then recorded his work on this sheet.

Speaking of nice, neat work.  This little guy is working on his planet booklet.  Be sure to ask your child about the planets and what is so special about Earth (the only planet with human life) and what is special about the planets close to the sun vs. those furthest from the sun.