What's In Our Book Box?

Here are a few books that have found their way into our circle time book box.  On the first day of school we read The Recess Queen.  This story shows children the correct way to behave on the playground and the importance of being a friend in order to have a friend.  This story is very funny, and features Mean Jean the Recess Queen!  The children begged to hear this story over and over again the first week of school.

Several books about butterflies and insects found their way into our book box, as we continued our study of butterflies.  Regardless of how many times you read stories about the transformation of caterpillars into butterflies, it is still amazing!  

Finally, Mariah Bruehl, author of Playful Learning inspired me to add  books about peace and problem solving to our book box as we began art projects that depicted our peaceful places and things that made us feel peaceful.  I will post more about these peace projects once they are finished.

We read Franklin is Bossy while learning the ABCDs of problem solving.  The children learned that sometimes misunderstandings and small problems can escalate if we do not solve them correctly.  While reading Franklin is Bossy, we practiced the rubric for successful problem resolution.

A -  Ask what is wrong.

B - Brainstorm ideas to make it better.

C - Choose the best idea to solve the problem.

D - Do it.

It warmed my heart when a student asked, "Could I have a copy of that?" Meaning the ABCDs of problem solving.  I love it!

What is in your book box?


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