Healthy Bodies and Minds

Heart Centered Multi-Age has been serving children in the Newfound Area for several years.  In the course of those years we have accumulated a weath of blog enteries that share the great news that is HCMA!  Starting this Thursday and for the remainder of the school year, we will share older enteries with you.  We hope you'll enjoy this trip down memory lane.

Originally Posted on March 20, 2013:  

I talk about this a lot, really with anyone who will listen.  Education at Heart Centered Multi-Age is not just about addition and subtraction, consonants and vowels, writing and science.  It is about the whole child!  

I believe that one of the essential ingredients for success is happiness.  Happy children, will in turn be successful learners.  Children who view their school as a fun and happy place to be, I believe, are highly motivated and excited learners.  The children at HCMA associate learning with fun.  We build this association through daily activities with a high degree of choice and independence as well as through whole school activities.  

Last Friday we found ourselves splashing it up at the Laconia Athletic and Swim Club.  I think the children were the most excited about this trip than any other this year!  They were giddy all morning as they worked swiftly on their work to be finished in time for lunch and then the trip!

Does it look like fun?  They had a blast!  We do not have a formal Physical Education special each week, but we do have about one hour of outdoor time each day and trips like these that promote lifelong activities for fitness.  A very special thank you to the moms and dads who have supported these trips all year by chaperoning and driving.  We could not have such a wonderful program without these dedicated parents.