Daily Affirmations for Children

In time for Valentine's Day, a sweet piece about Daily Affirmations for Children from one of my inspirations, Maria Bruehl.  Maria's book Playful Learning was a real catalyst for the creation of Heart Centered Multi-Age.  We owe Playful Learning much gratitude!

Our daughters are at the age where they begin to tune in closely to the thoughts and opinions of their friends. During this process they have started to internalize flip comments and at times come home from school feeling less than confident about themselves. During these moments it is our natural instinct as parents to shower them in praise, but it is not quite the same when it comes from us.

So… one day I thought it would be fun to leave little affirmation notes around the house, in spots where my daughters would least expect to find them, as way to get important conversations going during more neutral moments.

I started out by coming up with a list of positive messages that I felt were relevant to the girls’ lives. While comments from friends can be painful, I also find that my daughters are their own toughest critics and I like the idea of having these mantras around the house, as a tool for changing those inner voices.

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