Welton Falls at Cardigan Reservation

Fieldtrips are an essential part of our program and could never happen without the wonderful parents we have that help drive us here and there across the countryside!  A special thank you to Mrs. Sanschagrin for chaperoning this trip out to the Cardigan Reservation!  We had a wonderful, sunny, day there.  I think that September has just about the best weather - it was a great day to be outside!

I made scavenger hunt books for the children.  They worked in pairs to find all of the items in their books as we hiked!  I laminated the books so that the children could write on the pages with dry erase marker.  Each time they found an item, they wrote it on its corresponding card.  I will show you these in more detail another time, but they were a huge success.  Having to find items along the trail, really brought the children's energy into focus.  They were very motivated and inquisitive as we began our hike.

Here we spotted a squirrel, high up in a tree with a HUGE pinecone.  The pine cone must have been twice the squirrel's size!  I love the little guy on the end, looking through his scavegar hunt booklet for the big pinecone page!

Example of the scavenger hunt book.

These pinecones had been gnawed clean, seeds were everywhere. . . 

Look at this pile of pinecones. . .  something was certainly making a stalk pile!

Is that a deer rubbing on the tree?  What good eyes!  Notice the old rock foundation in the background.

This is what it is all about!  We got to the end, ate our lunches and cooled off our toes!

Finalizing the scavenger hunt book!  Each team found between thirteen and fifteen items!  Way to go!

See you all next week!