Morning Work

Here are a few pictures that give you a snapshot of the kind of activities the children are doing during morning work time.  We start our official academic day at 8:30 with morning meeting.  However, last week I started to notice the children choosing academic work prior to morning meeting.  Previously, the children had been playing with the free choice activities until the morning meeting bell rang, but as the children are becoming more and more confident in their abilities, they are choosing to start in on their academic work early!  Warms a teacher's heart!  The children leave morning meeting and can choose any work they would like.  The pictures below are some of their choices.

In this picture a student is counting pictures of objects and writing down the number he counts in his little book. In this work, the child can choose to place glass beads over each objects as he counts it, or simply count the pictures.  A number line is provided for the children that need a reminder of which way a number goes.  The number 9 seems to be one of those culprits that often gets written as a P.

In this picture one child is tracing and labeling the parts of a tree (plant) and another is doing the counting activity from above.  Notice this child is using the glass beads.

One early reader has matched up these picture and word cards.  Once finished matching the student copied the words onto a record sheet.  I would like to get a set of alphabet stamps so that the kids can stamp their words on the record sheet too.

This student is working on telling time to the hour.  Notice the blue hour hand on the display clock?  Now the blue pencil in the student's hand?  After the student makes the time with the display clock he records the time with the blue pencil in his booklet by drawing the hour hand.

In the game 100 apples the student keeps turning over digit cards and coloring that amount of apples on the tree.  This game can be played alone or in pairs.  When playing alone the children just play until they fill their tree with 100 apples.  When playing with a partner, the first student to get 100 apples wins.


This work was a huge hit after I added the tongs!  The children use the tongs to pick up apples and make the addition equation shown on the card.  This work and the one below are two great ones for developing fine motor skills!

This apple cinnamon scented play dough has been a huge success this week!  Aren't these just perfect little apples?